We often think that the most of champions gets so much concentrated to their objectives that they can’t notice what is happening all around them as their are getting their best.
This is not obvious refering to Academy Doubles Exhibition Match played in Manacor, Majorca, in September of 2016, which game has seen the two unforgettable stars of tennis, the Spanish professional player Rafael Nadal and the American tennis legend John McEnroe, challenged in an interesting generational competition.
Nadal was about to serve alongside up-and-coming youngster Simon Solbas when it became clear there was some commotion in the crowd: it emerged that a mother was in panic mode after losing her daughter in a carelles moment as Carlos Moya and John McEnroe were waiting for the serve. The woman was crying and shouting her child’s name on TV, which footages showed the upset mother standing next to a steward and looking for “Clara”.
Although the security was already busy with the research of the little girl, Rafael Nadal stopped the game in front of the 7,000 people in the audience getting the crowd realized there was a dramatic problem to solve, visibly more important than the fate of the competition. Fortunately the tearful girl was soon spotted a short distance away and, comforted by those nearby, brought back to her mother’s arms, who ran to pick her up and hug her tightly. Following the moving reunion, the tennis match finally got underway once again through the spectator’s applauses.
The fact which much more has created a particular attention to this curious event was Rafael Nadal’s behavior, who looked delight instead of annoyed by the emotional moment as the stereotypes could have suggested about a fearsome player like him. Furthermore, the star John McEnroe, himself well known as a bad-tempered player mostly for the famous sentence “You Cannot Be Serious!”, apparently got touched as he was promptly resuming the match because of the unconventional moment.
It also turned out to be successful for Nadal on the court too, with his 30-year-old mate eventually winning the exhibition against Moya and McEnroe 3-6, 6-3 and 10-8.
In spite of the final result, every player involved in this match proved to have more heart than talent!
#SportValues #GetVal #MoreHeart #LessTalent